Master Builders has two main committees, the Housing Sector Committee and the Construction Sector Committee made up of 10-16 Master Builders members, up to 50 per cent from Greater Brisbane and up to 50 per cent subcontractors. These committees are responsible for providing recommendations on policy and industry-wide issues, such as proposed or recommended changes to laws, codes and regulations.

Policy subcommittees are made up of 10-16 Master Builders members and up to 50 per cent subcontractors These subcommittees deal with specific policy areas, such as Industrial Relations, Contracts, Health & Safety, Environment and Renovation & Technical.

Committee members 2022-2025


Clive Armstrong, Simon Betteridge, Wayne Cavallaro, Dean Cheffers, Sean Evans, Daniel Fragg, Russell Fryer, Simon Hawkins, Nick Herron, Kane Keefe, Jeremy McKenzie, Andrew Murchie, David Redding, Chris Taylor (Chair), Mark Spry, Justin Stainton.


Anthony Allen, Courtney Burns, Rick Burns, Troy Cavallaro, Nicholas Chapman, Bill Dunn, James Dunstan, Brad Ganim, Stephen Havas (Chair), Gordon Heelan, Kent Jenner, John Mahlouzarides, Lev Mizikovsky, Craig Sawford, Angela Scott, Jesse Zielke.

Industrial relations

Daniel Burns, Mason Fettell, Vicki Granger, Lee Hughes, Arturo Masci, Chris McClure, Melitta McDonald, Kris McKerron, Renee Meredith, Adrian Prevost, Shabnam Rastar, Brad Ross, Lawrie Turner (Chair), Michael Vincenzino, Luke Young.


Linn Batey, Brendan Bathersby, Courtney Burns, Scott Fyfe, Brad Garlick, Peter Lincoln, Dan Mickan, Desmier Nairn, Liam O'Rourke (Chair), Michael Roszka, Angela Scott, William Shipp.

Health & safety

Amelia Simony, Andrew Campbell, Bob McCulloch, Daniel Dunne (Chair), Grant Forbes, Jimmy Andersen, Lawrie Turner, Lee Heiner, Martin O'Sullivan, Nathan Brown, Paul Fullwood, Peter Dench, Shannon Ney, Tara Rowan.


Paul Fullwood, James Nelson, Lucy Redgrove, Angela Scott, Amelia Simony (Chair), Lawrie Turner, Eddie White.

Committee members 2019-2022


Jeffrey Bedsor, Simon Betteridge, Drew Brockhurst, Sean Evans, Robin Fardoulys, Tony Froio, Simon Hawkins, Brett Johnston, Andrew Murchie, David Redding, Mark Spry (Chair)


Anthony Allen, Geoff Baguley, Pauline Barton, David Dakin, Donald Dixon, Ben Garland, Stephen Havas (Chair), Lionel Kershaw, John Mahlouzarides, Lev Mizikovsky, Craig Sawford, Angela Scott, Shane Summers, Jesse Zielke.

Industrial relations

Arturo Masci, Adrian Provost, Brad Nairn, Mark Palmer, Greg Muir, Steve Jenkins. Lawrie Turner, Mark Plummer, Michael Halpin, Michael Vicenzino, Neile Rosenlund, Paul McDougall, Trent Smith.


Courtney Burns, Maddalena Gabrielli, Brad Garlick, Neil Harris, Alex Hayes, Nick Herron, Michael Johnson, Stephen Keune, Peter Lincoln, Braid Nairn, Liam O'Rourke (Chair), Michael Roszka, Angela Scott, Andrew Sneddon.

Health & safety

Ryan Alexiou, Jimmy Anderson, Peter Bouras, Andrew Campbell, Micheal Dawson, Daniel Dunne (Chair), Damian Hegarty, Danny O'Reilly, Martin O'Sullivan, Mark Philippi, Tom Raggatt, Robert Thiess, Luke Whippy, Ralph Wilson.


Michael Baker, Ashleigh Botha, Peter Bouras, Kristina Kucan, James Nelson, Michelle Oliver, Lawrie Turner.

Renovation & technical

Paul Baldwin, Luke Beatty, Craig Brown, Don Dixon (Chair), Andrew Golle, Chris Munro, Brad Nicholls, Steven Nousala, Robert Paterson, Steve Reardon, Ben Semple, Craig Stuart, Daniel Tooth, Darren Wagner.

Committee members 2016-2019


M. Spry (Chair), D. Brockhurst, R. McDonald, G. Dunnett, G. Quinn, J. Bedsor, M, Norris, S. Hawkins, T. Orazio, A. Murchie, B. Johnston, C. Matthews, G. Rashleigh, T. Froio, Y. Pengilly, P. Barrie.


R. Hogno (Chair), A. Williams, B. Garland, C. Sawford, P Barton, S. Havas, S. Cedergren, B. Green, D. Dixon, J. Zielke, J. Wilkinson, L. Mizikovsky, R. Burns, S. Summers, G. Raine, J. Mahlouzarides, K. Ogilvie.

Industrial relations

K. Augustine (Chair), B. Nairn, M. Halpin, T. Smith, G. Muir, M. Vicenzino, J. Russ, M. Plummer, A. Prevost, P. McDougall, P. Bickham, J. McGrath, J. Holloway, L. Turner.


S. Reynolds (Chair), P. Lincoln, C. McBurnie, C. Woolnough, N. Herron, B. Nairn, S. Keune, R. Ayling, M, Roszka, M. Johnson, C. Burns, A. Sneddon, N. Harris, J. McCormack, A. Scott.

Health & safety

D. Dunne (Chair), R. Willson, J. McPherson, M. Palmer, M. Dawson, R. Thiess, A. Campbell, J. Simpkin, R. Alexiou, T. Raggatt, J. Gilbert, D. Corness, S. Kind, M. Cole, L, Whippy, T. Smith, J. Holloway.


J. Nelson (Chair), M. Oliver, R. Grimston, M. Cole, R. Leeson, J. Holloway, A. Price, G. Forbes, T. Trinch, A. Botha.

Renovation & technical

D. Wagner (Chair), RM. Paterson, D. McMullan, A. Williams, M, Porter, S. Nousala, B. Cover, S. Cedergren, B. Nicholls, C. Stuart, D. Dixon, S. Kind.

Major Sponsors