We take great pride in providing all customers with exceptional service and are committed to dealing with feedback in a timely and effective manner. Your feedback, both positive and negative, is important. We want to hear about when we’ve provided you with a positive experience, but also when we didn’t get everything exactly right. By giving us feedback in these situations, we can attempt to make things right and improve for the future.
We’d love to hear about a positive experience you’ve had with one of our team, a product or service or one of our members – whether it’s outstanding service, the right advice or someone just going the extra mile to help you out.
Tell us about your positive experience and we’ll make sure it reaches the right people. We strive for positive customer service throughout our business, so we’ll also use your feedback to drive positive change in other areas, too.
We understand that sometimes we (and sometimes our members) won’t meet everyone’s expectations and if this happens, we want to know about it as soon as possible. Once we have all of the information, we’ll review and get back to you. All complaints about our members are reviewed against our Code of Conduct and our Constitution rules and we’ll determine if formal action is to be taken.
IMPORTANT! If your complaint relates to an issue you are currently have with a Master Builders member, please call us on 1300 30 50 10 before lodging a complaint. In many cases, we can successfully use our dispute resolution and mediation services to help you and provide the advice that is needed, before the situation escalates into a complaint.
Once you have raised a complaint, we will work with you to gather all the information we need to review and find a fair resolution. It can take time to gather all the information necessary, but we will keep you informed along the way as we work through the details of your complaint.
Not happy with our response?
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of our review of your complaint, you can email us your concerns.